Tamil Nadu Government Orders (G.O) for Differently abled
Tamil Nadu Government Order (G.O) for Differently abled people – employment, reservation, training, education, social security etc
List of Schemes for Persons with Disabilities from Government of India / State Government and Private Organization with accessibility features
Tamil Nadu Government Order (G.O) for Differently abled people – employment, reservation, training, education, social security etc
Differently abled Persons Application form – Application for Scholarship, Assistive Devices, Assistance from Government of Tamil Nadu and Admission Educational Training Institutions
The basic objective of the NSAP ( National Social Assistance Programme )is to provide solace to the most vulnerable section of the society including differently abled people.
The Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY) is being implemented at the national level with the objective of providing dwelling units to the people below poverty line.
NRLM ( National Rural Livelihood Mission ) ensures adequate coverage of persons with disability under NRLM at least 3% of the total households covered would be persons with disability.
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) – According to the operational guidelines of the Act, State Governments have to identify specific works, which can be done by the disabled and vulnerable persons.
Karnataka Government Schemes for persons with Disabilities – This center provides information to persons with disabilities about the facilities and the schemes available under the State and the Central Govt. The institutions providing special education. Vocational training and also information about procuring quality aids and appliances.
Karnataka State Govt. extend the financial assistance to NGOs to establish and implement Old Age Homes to take care of the elderly persons providing all the basic amenities including Health care protection to life etc.,
Person with Disability who is economical conditions are poor and unable to maintain himself with food clothing and shelter and could not meet other basic needs is paid monthly maintenance allowance of Rs.400 per month Around 4.00 lakhs persons with disabilities are available this benefit and Annual budgetary burden on the exchequer is around Rs.200 crores.
Aids and Appliances – Eligibility Criteria: 1. Must be resident of Karnataka for the last 10 years and should be certified by the Tahasildar. 2. Annual Income limit is Rs.24000 for urban areas and Rs.11500 for rural areas inhabitants.