Reflecting Folding sticks for Visually impaired persons
Reflecting Folding sticks are being distributed to needy Visually impaired persons to enable them to walk freely and independently
List of Schemes for Persons with Disabilities from Government of India / State Government and Private Organization with accessibility features
Reflecting Folding sticks are being distributed to needy Visually impaired persons to enable them to walk freely and independently
Magnifiers are distributed to needy Students with low vision to enable them to read books .
Encourage the Hearing Impaired students to wear Hearing Aids to increase their speech capacity, ‘Behind the Ear’ Hearing Aids are provided.
Retrofitted petrol scooters are provided for severely Orthopaedically affected whose both legs are disabled. Students, employed and self employed Differently Abled persons are eligible.
Interest free Loan Assistance from National Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation (NHFDC). surety (Upto Rs.25,000/-), 2 Surety (Upto Rs.50,000/-) and Collateral security (Above Rs.50,000/-)
The Government subsidy will be released to the Differently Abled persons to whom provisional loan was sanctioned at the maximum of Rs.10,000/- or 1/3 of the sanctioned loan amount, whichever is less.
Film Development Corporation provide for differently abled One month multimedia training is given at National Institute of Film Development Corporation, Regional Centre at Chennai.
laptop computers for Differently Abled students studying in 12th Standard in Govt. and Govt. aided Special Schools will be provided with Laptop
As a pioneer measure in India, B.Com., and B.C.A., Degree Coursers for the benefit of the hearing impaired students at Presidency College, Chennai commenced from the academic year 2007-2008.
Hearing impaired children are provided with Pre-school education, Uniform, speech therapy and boarding and lodging.