Wheelchair accessible taxi available in India

Providers | City |
Ezy Mov | Mumbai |
KickStart | Bengaluru |
Uber WAV | Bengaluru |
Mobility India | Bengaluru |
Vidya Sagar | Chennai |
Freedom Cab | Goa |
Sarathi | Coimbatore |
Buddy Cabs | Chandigarh |
Ability on wheels | Ahmedabad |
MobiCab | Mumbai |
Ezy Mov – Wheelchair Taxi Service

Location :
Mumbai – Point to Point, 4 hours, 8 hours and Out Station
Number of Passengers
- 1 Passengers + 1 Wheelchair
- 2 Passengers + 1 Wheelchair
- 3 Passengers + 1 Wheelchair
Services & Facilities
- Weekly Healthcare Visits – For physiotherapy, dialysis, chemotherapy, etc
- Airport Transfers – From home to the airport and vice versa
- Religious Tours – Seek Divine blessings from the shrines at any destination (local as well as inter-state)
- Commute for Social events – No more missing those Wedding celebrations or family get together
- Accessible Tourism – We tie-up with market leaders from the tourism industry to give you the best holiday packages
- Standby Wheelchair – In case of emergency
- Equipped with Wheelchair lift – For a safe and efficient boarding
- Specially trained drivers – Sensitized and courteous
- Extra room for co-passengers – To cherish the feeling of togetherness
- Wheelchair Locking System – Your safety – our priority
- Call : +91 9029090880
- WhatsApp: +91 8879800398
- Website : https://ezymov.com/
- Email : booking@ezymov.com
KickStart – Ride with Wheelchair

Location :
Bengaluru – Package Trips, Office Pick and Drop, Airport and Railway Station Transfers, Outstation Trips
- Call : +91 8105600445 and +91-80-32327777
- WhatsApp: +91 8879800398
- Website : Kickstartcabs.com
- Email : info@kickstartcabs.com
Uber WAV – Rides in wheelchair-accessible vehicles
Location : Bengaluru
Open the Uber App on your Android or iOS smartphone and select Access in the type of ride.

Mobility India – Taxi for Wheelchair Users

Location : Bengaluru
The service is beneficial to:
- People with disabilities who need to regularly commute from their homes.
- Ones attending rehabilitation services of hospitals for physiotherapy and other treatment.
- People with disabilities traveling on personal, social, and leisure activities.
- Senior citizens requiring transportation that takes care of their special needs.
Call : 26494444 / 26597337
You can also mail us at e-mail@mobility-india.org with the following details to book your cab: Name, Address, Contact No, Date, Timings, Pickup point, and Destination.
Vidya Sagar – Get going
Location : Chennai, Tamil Nadu
- Short Trips (Within city limits) – Rs.25/km 2.
- Outside City – Rs.15/km
- Timings and Kms : Vidya Sagar to Vidya Sagar.
- For longer periods, charges will be calculated accordingly.
Abhishek Coordinator, Get Going. Call : +919444398182
Freedom Cab

Location : Goa
Sainath : 96378 95808
Sarathi – Mobility Redefined

The interiors of the van has been redesigned to accommodate one wheelchair, two independent seats, a 6” x 2” long sofa bed and a chemical toilet with a swivel seat.
The wheelchair is pushed up a foldable ramp placed in the rear of the vehicle. SARATHI currently has one van in service and is available 7 days a week.
Location : Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
Bookings can be made by calling 88709-55111 or 73977 00482 between 7am and 10pm.
Website: http://www.swargafoundation.org/sarathi-mobility-redefined/
Buddy Cabs, Chandigarh

Location : Chandigarh
Call : +918725005444
online Booking : https://www.buddy-cabs.com/#section-appoinment
Ability on wheels – Accessible Taxi Cab Services

Location : Ahmedabad
website : http://www.abilityonwheels.org/accessible-taxi-cab-services/
Call: 9429633859
Email : info@abilityonwheels.org
MobiCab – Wheelchair Tax service

- Medical Appointment
- Person travel with wheelchair
- Outstation Travel
Location : Mumbai
Call : +919920098900
Email : info@mobicab.in
Online Booking : https://mobicab.in/#popmake-791
Author Bio…
Sathasivam Kannupayan
Specialist in Digital Accessibility & Environment
Phone : 9840515647
Email : sathasivam@enabled.in
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