At the age of 16, Nick Scott was an ordinary teenager with an interest in athletics, when a near fatal traffic accident changed life as he knew it… forever. After the accident Nick became overweight and discouraged, but somehow found the determination, mindset and personal strength to transform his life from a debilitating tragedy into a personal triumph. Now he uses those hard-won insights to help others awaken the beast within themselves and achieve their personal goals.

“What’s the one thing you gain when you lose everything? PERSPECTIVE!” -Nick Scott

As a professional speaker, author, professional Wheelchair bodybuilder, wheelchair ballroom dancer, and personal trainer, Nick Scott uses his enthusiasm, vision, convictions, abilities, and life experience to reach out, to inspire and give hope to others, especially those unaware of the personal strength they can tap into if only they will believe and try. Nick’s sheer strength of will has helped transform thousands of individuals – from professional athletes to senior executives – as well as organizations and corporations across the country. Nick inspires others to break through to new levels of peak performance and success.
Name: Nick Scott
Hometown: Ottowa, Kansas
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 195 lbs contest, 220 off-season
Education: Ottawa University: Associate of Science, Bachelor’s of Business Administration
Occupation(s): IFBB Wheelchair Pro; Ballroom Dancer; Motivational Speaker; Founder, Wheelchair Bodybuilding Inc.; Global Promoter of Wheelchair Bodybuilding; Member of Team
Favorite Dance: Rumba (Dance of Love)
Super Power: Time Travel—Not to go back before my accident, but just a few hours for the Powerball
Nick Scott – Wheelchair Bodybuilder
Photo Gallery
Contact Information
Nick Scott
Wheelchair Bodybuilding, Inc. & Wheelchair Athletics, Inc.
PO Box 159
Ottawa, KS 66067
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