Details of WHO free Online Courses on COVID‐19 and its advantages for RCI certified Professionals / Personnel

RCI CRE Points
RCI has decided to award 5 CRE points (additional 10 CRE Points for Visually Impaired professionals) for minimum 1 hour of each online course offered free by the WHO. This will also help in accumulating CRE Points for the renewal of registration with the Council, subject to the submission of Certificate of Participation / Record of Achievements issued by WHO. There would be an overall ceiling of 50 CRE points for each professional / personnel.
List of Course
- Standard precautions: Hand hygiene
- COVID-19: How to put on and remove personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Introduction to Go.Data – Field data collection, chains of transmission and contact follow-up
- Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI) Treatment Facility Design
- COVID-19: Operational Planning Guidelines and COVID-19 Partners Platform to support country preparedness and response
- Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- ePROTECT Respiratory Infections (EN)
- Clinical Care Severe Acute Respiratory Infection
- Introduction to COVID-19 video in Indian Sign Language
- Emerging respiratory viruses, including COVID-19: methods for detection, prevention, response and control
- Competency-Based Learning: Introduction
Course 1- Standard precautions: Hand hygiene
Duration : Approximately 1 hour.
Contents Module- 1 : Hand Hygiene
Certificate :
A Record of Achievement will be issued to participants who receive at least 70% on the post-test. You will have a total of 3 attempts on the post-test to be eligible to receive a certificate.
Certificate requirements:
Gain a record of achievement by earning more than 70% of the maximum number of points from all graded assignments.
The hands of health care workers (HCWs) play a critical role in keeping patients safe. If HCWs do not clean their hands at the right moments, using the proper methods, they can transmit infection-causing microorganisms through their hands from one patient to another. Performing hand hygiene at key moments is an important health care intervention. Hand hygiene reduces the transmission of microorganisms (including those that are antibiotic-resistant), increases patient safety, and decreases health care-associated infection (HAI). Effective, timely hand hygiene is a cornerstone of infection prevention and control.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, participants should be able to:
- Describe hand hygiene as a critical component of infection prevention and control;
- Identify the 5 Moments for Hand Hygiene;
- Discuss glove use and hand hygiene during patient care activities;
- Demonstrate the correct way to wash hands with soap and water according to the WHO-recommended method;
- Demonstrate the correct way to perform hand hygiene with an alcohol-based handrub (ABHR) according to the WHO-recommended method; and
- Discuss key issues and considerations of hand hygiene in a health care facility.
WHO Online Course link
Course 2 : COVID-19: How to put on and remove personal protective equipment (PPE)
Duration : Approximately 15 minutes.
Module 1:
How-to-guide for putting on and removing PPE according to droplet / contact precautions for COVID-19:This module offers a video how-to-guide on putting on and removing PPE according to droplet/contact precautions for COVID19, as well as two poster resources. By the end of this module, participants should be able to demonstrate the correct way to put on personal protective equipment according to the WHO-recommended method for COVID-19 droplet/contact precautions.
Module 2:
How-to-guide for putting on and removing PPE according to airborne/contact precautions for COVID-19 aerosol generating procedures: This module offers a video how-to-guide on putting on and removing PPE according to airborne / contact precautions for COVID-19. By the end of this module, participants should be able to demonstrate the correct way to put on personal protective equipment according to the WHO-recommended method for COVID-19 airborne/contact precautions.
Certificate: No certificate available at this time.
Certificate requirements: NA
This is a guide for healthcare workers involved in patient care activities in a healthcare setting. It aims to show the type of personal protective equipment or PPE needed to correctly protect oneself. Based on the current available evidence, the WHO recommended PPE for the care of COVID patients are CONTACT and DROPLET precautions, with the exception of aerosol producing procedures, which require CONTACT and AIRBORNE (hence, a respirator mask such as N95, FFP2, FFP3). Keeping in mind, PPE is part of a larger infection prevention and control bundle of measures and should be implemented as part of a multimodal strategy of management of COVID-19 patients. Only clinical staff who are trained and competent in the use of PPE should be allowed to enter the patient’s room.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, participants should be able to:
- demonstrate the correct way to put on and remove PPE; and
- demonstrate the correct way to perform hand hygiene with an alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR), according to the WHO-recommended method.
WHO Online Course link
Course 3: Introduction to Go.Data – Field data collection, chains of transmission and contact follow-up
Duration: Approximately 1.5 hours
- Module 1: Introduce the Go.Data project: By the end of this module, participants should be able to: introduce the Go.Data project and list the key features of the Go.Data tool.
- Module 2: Go.Data Platform overview and persistent elements of the interface: By the end of this module, participants should be able to: create users and assign roles on the Go.Data platform; describe the role of a Go.Data systems administrator; recognise the persistent elements of the user interface; and summarise the way in which reference data is managed.
- Module 3: Outbreaks and templates, including case investigation form and contact follow-up form: By the end of this module, participants should be able to: create an outbreak on the Go.Data platform; recall the key steps involved in managing templates and concurrent outbreaks on the Go.Data platform; list the key steps for designing a case investigation on the Go.Data platform; and list the key steps for designing a contact follow-up form on the Go.Data platform.
- Module 4: Cases, Contacts and Events: By the end of this module, participants should be able to: explain how to input and export case data using Go.Data; recognise how to create relationships and exposures between cases in Go.Data; explain how to create and add cases to events using Go.Data; and recall how to view event relationships and chronology.
- Module 5: Contact follow-up including usage of the Go.Data mobile app: By the end of this module, participants should be able to: explain how to add contacts to cases and events in Go.Data; recall how to convert contacts to cases; recall how to modify contact data; describe the process of producing and updating contact follow-up lists; and paraphrase how to manage contact follow up using the Go.Data mobile app.
- Module 6: Laboratory Data: By the end of this module, participants should be able to explain how to edit case data and confirm status using lab results.
- Module 7: Dashboard, Data visualization and Data exports: By the end of this module, participants should be able to: recognise the key features and functions of the Go.Data platform dashboard; explain how Go.Data can be used to visualise chains of transmission as networks and timelines; and describe how Go.Data can import and export data in most common data formats.
Certificate: A Confirmation of Participation is available to participants who complete at least 80% of the course materials.
Certificate requirements: Gain a confirmation of participation by completing at least 80% of the course material.
Go.Data is a collaborative project coordinated by WHO and conducted in cooperation with partners of the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN). The Go.Data tool is available globally to WHO staff, member states and Partners to support and facilitate outbreak investigation focusing on field data collection, contact tracing and visualisation of chains of transmission. The briefing package will introduce the Go.Data tool and provide an orientation of the key features and functionalities of the Go.Data software.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this briefing, participants should be able to:
- state what Go.Data is and is not;
- describe the context of potential application of Go.Data in an outbreak investigation;
- describe the type of data handles and what Go.Data can do with that data; and
- recall the Go.Data IT infrastructure and how the Go.Data tool is supported.
WHO Online Course link
Course 4: Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI) Treatment Facility Design
Duration: Approximately 1 hour.
- Module 1: Overview of basic operational and IPC principles in COVID-19 context:This moduleprovides an overview of basic operational and Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) principles in the context of COVID-19.
- Module 2: Designing a SARI screening area and treatment centre: This module describes how to design a SARI screening area and treatment centre.
- Module 3: Repurposing an existing building into a SARI treatment centre: This module describes how to repurpose an existing building into a SARI treatment centre.
Certificate : A Confirmation of Participation is available to participants who complete 100% of the course material.
Certificate requirements : Gain a confirmation of participation by completing at least 100% of the course material
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. This course provides principles, minimum requirements and technical specifications to design and set up SARI-related facilities though short lectures and technical tutorials. It targets personnel involved in preparedness and response, including health managers and planners, architects, engineers, logistics, water and sanitation staff, clinical and nursing staff, carers and other health care providers, and health promoters.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
- describe the key principles driving SARI treatment centres and dedicated screening points design;
- draft and evaluate a SARI treatment centre layout, including triage and different risk areas, with clear and rational flows of people and material;
- describe different types of ventilation and exhausted air treatments;
- describe the referral pathway and patient’s journey;
- assess and evaluate available existing structures;
- identify key and essential structural elements to repurpose an existing building into a SARI treatment centre; and
- adapt an
- existing building into a SARI treatment centre.
WHO Online Course link
Course 5: COVID-19: Operational Planning Guidelines and COVID-19 Partners Platform to support country preparedness and response
Duration: Approximately 1 hour for Modules 1 and 2 and another hour for Module 3.
- Module 1: Mission and purpose of this program (incl. COVID-19 knowledge): This module provides a description of the purpose and context for this learning package, leadership words and relevant COVID-19 knowledge.
- Module 2: Country-level preparedness and response: This module provides an introduction to Operational Planning Guidelines to Support Country Preparedness and Response, and access to relevant information and documentation.
- Module 3: Pillars of the public health response:This module is technical deep dive into each of the 8 pillars of the public health response as described by the Operational Planning Guidelines to Support Country Preparedness and Response.
Certificate : A Record of Achievement will be available to participants who score 80% or higher in the cumulative course assessment for both Modules 1 and 2. Module 3 is free of any certification.
Certificate requirements: Gain a record of achievement by earning more than 80% of the maximum number of points from all graded assignments.
In order to assist UN country teams in scaling up country preparedness and response to COVID-19, WHO has developed these learning modules as a companion to the Operational Planning Guidelines to Support Country Preparedness and Response.
The training is intended:
- For UN country teams (UNCTs)
- For other relevant stakeholders, including partners, donors and civil society
- To support national readiness and preparedness for COVID-19
- To help countries increase their capacity to respond to COVID-19
- To increase international coordination for response and preparedness
- To streamline the process of coordinating resources and assessing country preparedness level
This 3-module learning package introduces the context for the need for a coordinated global response plan to the COVID19 outbreak. It provides the required guidance to implement the Operational Planning Guidelines to Support Country Preparedness and Response.
These planning guidelines describe priority steps and actions to be included in countries’ preparedness and response plans across the major areas of public health preparedness and response. This is aligned with the previously published COVID-19 Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan (SPRP). By the end of this course, the appointed UNCT lead planners and relevant partners should be able to assess and fill in capability gaps to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak.
Learning Outcomes
- Be able to educate yourself and others about the importance of operationalizing the SPRP for the COVID-19 outbreak using the Operational Planning Guidelines
- Be able to describe the 8 major pillars of public health preparedness and response and initial actions to be taken by the UN country teams
- Be able to access the full set of actions, performance indicators and resources needed to conduct the preparedness level assessment using the COVID-19 Partners Platform for country preparedness and response plans
WHO Online Course link
Course 6: Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Duration: Approximately 1 hour.
- Module 1: Preparedness, readiness and IPC: This module provides an overview of Infection Prevention and Control measures for preparedness and readiness.
- Module 2: The novel coronavirus (COVID-19): its epidemiology, risk factors, definitions and symptomology: Module 2 provides an introduction to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
- Module 3: Standard precautions, transmission-based precautions & COVID-19 specific recommendations: This module reviews various precautions which should be taken to prepare for and respond to COVID-19.
Certificate : A Confirmation of Participation is available to participants who complete 100% of the course material.
Certificate requirements: Gain a confirmation of participation by completing at least 100% of the course material.
This course provides information on what facilities should be doing to be prepared to respond to a case of an emerging respiratory virus such as the novel coronavirus, how to identify a case once it occurs, and how to properly implement IPC measures to ensure there is no further transmission to HCW or to other patients and others in the healthcare facility.
This training is intended for healthcare workers and public health professionals, as it is focused on infection prevention and control.This course will cover the Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) measures required in order to
- Be prepared and ready to respond to an outbreak, in particular, the one due to COVID-19.
- Limit human to human transmission by way of implementing WHO recommended IPC interventions.
- Identify, isolate and report suspect and confirmed cases.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, you should be able to:
- define IPC and its role in the context of preparedness, readiness and response;
- describe the current epidemiological COVID-19 situation, including case definitions and signs & symptoms;
- describe source control, administrative controls and environmental and engineering controls;
- describe the WHO-recommended IPC measures for health care facilities, including when dealing with suspect or confirmed COVID-19 cases;
- describe additional IPC measures to be taken to assist in general preparedness within a health care facility.
WHO Online Course link
Course 7: ePROTECT Respiratory Infections (EN)
Duration : Approximately 2 hours.
- Module 1: Acute Respiratory Infection (ARIs) of public health concern – Introduction: Overall learning objective: To describe basic information about acute respiratory infections including transmission, symptoms, treatment and prevention.
- Module 2: How to protect yourself against Acute Respiratory Infections (ARIs): Overall learning objective: How to manage the risk from ARIs.
- Module 3: Basic hygiene measures:Overall learning objective: To describe basic hygiene measures to protect against ARIs.
- Module 4: Wearing a medical mask: Overall learning objective: To describe when and how to wear a m Gain a confirmation of participation by completing at least 90% of the course material.edical mask.
Certificate: A Record of Achievement certificate will be available to participants who score at least 80% of the total points available across all of the quizzes.
Certificate requirements :
Gain a record of achievement by earning more than 80% of the maximum number of points from all graded assignments.
All personnel responding to outbreaks of Acute Respiratory Infections (ARIs) need to have the basic knowledge and skills to mount an effective response. They need to understand what ARIs are, how they are transmitted, how to assess the risk of infection and to understand basic hygiene measures to protect themselves. This learning package consists of 4 modules with videos and downloadable presentations.
Learning Outcomes
This course provides a general introduction to Acute Respiratory Infections (ARIs) and basic hygiene measures to protect against infection. By the end of the course, you should be able to describe basic information about ARIs including what they are, how they are transmitted, how to assess the risk of infection and list basic hygiene measures to protect against infection. Understand the basic principles of acute respiratory infections, how to assess the risk of infection and basic hygiene measures to protect against infection.
WHO Online Course link
Course 8: Clinical Care Severe Acute Respiratory Infection Training
Duration: Approximately 10 hours.
- Module 1: Introduction to COVID-19 and IPC: This module covers a clinical update on COVID-19 as of 30.01.2020, and infection prevention and control (IPC) for patients with Severe Acute Respiratory Infections (SARI).
- Module 2: Clinical Syndromes and Pathophysiology of Sepsis and ARDS: This module covers clinical syndromes and the pathophysiology of Sepsis and ARDS.
- Module 3: Triage: This module covers triage and early recognition of patients with SARI. It includes two role-playing scenarios.
- Module 4: Monitoring :In this module, participants will learn about monitoring patients with SARI.
- Module 5: Diagnostics: In this module, participants will learn about differential diagnosis, specimen collection and diagnostic tests for SARI.
- Module 6: Oxygen Therapy: This module covers oxygen therapy.
- Module 7: Antimicrobials:This module covers antimicrobial therapy and its modification after diagnostic test interpretation.
- Module 8: Sepsis:In this module, participants will learn how to deliver targeted resuscitation for Sepsis and septic shock.
- Module 9: Mechanical Ventilation:In this module, participants will learn how to deliver lung-protective ventilation for invasive mechanical ventilation for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS).
- Module 10: Sedation: This module covers invasive mechanical ventilation for ARDS, managing pain, agitation and delirium.
- Module 11: Best Practices to Prevent Complications: This module covers the best practices to prevent complications.
- Module 12: Liberation from Mechanical Ventilation:In this module, participants will learn about liberation from Mechanical Ventilation.
- Module 13: Quality in Critical Care:This module covers quality in critical care.
- Module 14: Pandemic Preparedness and Ethical Considerations:In this module, participants will learn about pandemic preparedness and ethical considerations.
Certificate : A Confirmation of Participation is available to participants who complete 90% of the course material.Target Audience : This course is intended for clinicians who are working in intensive care units (ICUs) in low and middle-income countries
Certificate requirements : Gain a confirmation of participation by completing at least 90% of the course material.
This course includes content on clinical management of patients with a severe acute respiratory infection. It is intended for clinicians who are working in intensive care units (ICUs) in low and middle-income countries and managing adult and pediatric patients with severe forms of acute respiratory infection (SARI), including severe pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), sepsis and septic shock. It is a hands-on practical guide to be used by health care professionals involved in clinical care management during outbreaks of influenza virus (seasonal) human infection due avian influenza virus (H5N1, H7N9), MERS-CoV, COVID-19 or other emerging respiratory viral epidemics.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, participants should: Possess some of the necessary tools that can be used to care for the critically ill patient from hospital entry to hospital discharge.
WHO Online Course link
Course 9 : Introduction to COVID-19 video in Indian Sign Language
Duration : Approximately 30 minutes.
- Introduction to COVID-19 video in Indian Sign Language: This module consists of a video that provides a general overview of COVID-19 in Indian Sign Language.
- Introduction to COVID-19 video in Indian Sign Language: This module consists of a video that provides a general overview of COVID-19 in Sign Language.
- Certificate No certificate available at this time.
- Certificate
- requirements
- NA
Certificate : No certificate available at this time.
Certificate requirements : NA
This course consists of a video which provides an introduction to COVID-19 in Indian Sign Language.
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are known to cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
A novel coronavirus (COVID-19) was identified in 2019 in Wuhan, China. This is a new coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans.
This course consists of a video which provides an introduction to COVID-19 in Indian Sign Language.
As the official disease name was established after material creation, any mention of nCoV refers to COVID-19, the infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus.
Learning Outcomes:
Describe the fundamental principles of emerging respiratory viruses, including COVID-19.
WHO Online Course link
Course 10 : Emerging respiratory viruses, including COVID-19: methods for detection, prevention, response and control
Duration : Approximately 3 hours
- Emerging respiratory viruses, including COVID-19: Introduction: This brief introduction provides an overview of emerging
- respiratory viruses, including COVID-19.
- Module A: Introduction to Emerging respiratory viruses, including COVID-19: Overall learning objective: To be able to explain why a emerging respiratory viruses, including COVID-19, are a global threat to human health
- Module B: Detecting Emerging respiratory viruses, including COVID-19: Surveillance and Laboratory investigation: Overall learning objective: To describe how to detect and assess an emerging respiratory virus outbreak
- Module C: Risk Communication and Community Engagement: Overall learning objective: To describe what strategies should be used to communicate risk and engage communities to detect, prevent and respond to COVID-19
- Module D: Preventing and Responding to an emerging respiratory virus, including COVID-19: Overall learning objective:
- To describe strategies for preventing and controlling emerging respiratory pathogens, including coronavirus outbreaks.
Certificate: A Record of Achievement certificate will be available to participants who score at least 80% of the total points available across all of the quizzes.
Certificate requirements: Gain a record of achievement by earning more than 80% of the maximum number of points from all graded assignments.
WHO Online Course link
Course 11: Competency-Based Learning: Introduction
Duration : Approximately 1.5 hours
- Module 1: An introduction to the WHE learning strategy: In this module, we will take a look at the World Health Organization’s Health Emergencies Programme learning strategy. We will learn about what it is and how it uses a competency-based approach to learning within the Health Emergencies Programme. We will learn about the three main learning pathways, the different components that make up a competency and the two main groups of competencies – core competencies and functional competencies.
- Module 2: Core competencies and how to use the framework: In this module, we will take a look at the 6 core competencies in the WHO Health Emergencies Programme (WHE). We will take a look at what they are and what behavioural indicators can be used in each of these competencies. We will also take a look at a practical approach that can be used to integrate the competency framework into learning.
Certificate: Participants can gain a record of achievement by earning more than 80% of the maximum number of points from all graded assignments.
Certificate requirements : Gain a record of achievement by earning more than 80% of the maximum number of points from all graded assignments.
World Health Organization (WHO) staff need ongoing learning to equip themselves to deal with modern emergencies. This short course provides an introduction to the WHO Health Emergencies Programme’s learning strategy, the competencybased approach that underlies it and how it can be used to design and deliver training. The learning package consists of two modules, with explainer videos and a quiz at the end.
The WHO Health Emergencies Programme’s (WHE) learning strategy provides an overarching learning and training framework for all learning and training activities staff working in health emergencies. The strategy adopts a competency based approach that uses a set of competencies that are considered essential for individuals and teams working in health emergencies. This short course provides an introduction to the WHE learning strategy, the competency-based approach
that underlies it and how it can be used to design learning and training. There are two short explainer videos and a quiz to test your knowledge.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, participants should be able to:
- State the strategy that guides learning and training within WHE;
- List the three main learning pathways in the WHE learning strategy;
- Describe what a competency is and its three main components;
- List the two main groups of competencies in the WHE competency framework;
- Describe the 6 core competencies in the WHE competency framework;
- List at least one behavioural indicator for each of the core competencies; and
- Describe an approach that can be used to integrate the competency framework into learning.
WHO Online Course link
This course provides a general introduction to emerging respiratory viruses, including novel coronaviruses. By the end of this course, you should be able to describe:
- The nature of emerging respiratory viruses, how to detect and assess an outbreak, strategies for preventing and controlling outbreaks due to novel respiratory viruses;
- What strategies should be used to communicate risk and engage communities to detect, prevent and respond to the emergence of a novel respiratory virus.
There are resources attached to each module to help you dive further into this topic.
Learning objective:
Describe the fundamental principles of emerging respiratory viruses and how to effectively respond to an outbreak.
WHO Online Course link
RCI Notification – File No. 7-16/RCI/2016 dated : 01/05/2020
Please issue me my certificate
Kindly guide me in procuring the CRE points for the WHO course attended and paid for. Thank you
I also had completed all 10 certificate and also done payment but I had not received certificate and people after me had submitted got the certificate and CRE POINTS.
I also had completed all 10 certificate n also done payment but I had not received certificate n people after me had submitted got d certificate n Cre points
I have completed all 10 certificate course but not registered for cre points . Guide me how to registered to get CRE points.
How get WHO cre certificate
Still I can do this process??????
I have completed all 10 certificate course but not registered for cre points . Guide me how to registered to get CRE points
I have completed all the 10 certificate courses by June 2020, also paid the payment of 500/- but not received the CRE Points certificate. please help how to get the certificate.
I have successfully completed 10 WHO course and have paid up 500 through bank transaction. But till date, I have not received any certificate yet, though have mailed before with all necessary documents.
I have completed all 10 certificate course but not registered for cre points . Guide me how to registered to get CRE points.
I have submitted the W.H.O certificates as well as the payment for it. I still haven’t obtained the 50 CRE points as well as the certificate from RCI. Kindly do the needful.
I have completed all of 10 certificate course and also done payment.I have send my all certificates in scan copy on 25.06.2020 but I have not receive
50 marks of CRE so how can get CRE points. Please help me…..
I have completed the who course and submmited but no certificate
I also had completed all 10 certificate n also done payment but I had not received certificate n people after me had submitted got d certificate n Cre points
I also had completed all 10 certificate n also done payment but I had not received certificate.
I also had completed all 10 certificate n also done payment but I had not received certificate n people after me had submitted got d certificate n Cre points
When last date now shall attend she course
I have successfully completed 10 WHO course and have paid up 500 through bank transaction on 24.02.2021. But till date, I have not received any certificate yet, though have mailed before with all necessary documents.
I have completed all of10 certificate course and I have send all certificate in scan copy. but I have not received 50 marks certificate ,so how can get certificate of RIC. All those who had applied after me have received the certificate.
I have submitted my cre certificate and 500 fees but I not received any email or who cre 50 POINTS. So how can get
I have completed all of my 10 certificate course and I have send all certificate in scan copy last one manth I have paid Rs 500/- payment successfully but I have not received 50 marks certificate ,so how can I get RCI certificate.
Please open the cre 50 points updated link
I have completed all courses and submitted but no response
I have completed all of10 certificate course and I have send all certificate in scan copy Last 2 months but I have not received 50 marks certificate ,so how can get certificate of RIC and 500 Rs payment successfully
I have completed the course and summited but no certificate
How to get RCI certificate
How to get RCI certificate?
I have completed all courses and submitted but no response
I have completed all of10 certificate course and I have send all certificate in scan copy Last 2 months but I have not received 50 marks certificate ,so how can get certificate of RIC
I also submitted 2 month ago but no response
Submitted the certificates in pdf binder. How and when these CRE points will be updated?
When last date. now shall tI attendhis course
How to get provisional certificate for completion of WHO CRE courses
how to submitter certificate for 50 point in school
How to give certificate