July 1, 2017

In order to take care of problems/ difficulties faced by sick and disabled pensioners in withdrawal of pension / family pension from the banks, agency banks may categorise such pensioners as under:
- Pensioner who is too ill to sign a cheque / unable to be physically present in the bank
- Pensioner who is not only unable to be physically present in the bank but also not even able to put his/her thumb impression on the cheque/ withdrawal form due to certain physical defect / incapacity.
With a view to enabling such old/sick/incapacitated pensioners to operate their accounts, banks may follow the procedure as under:
- Wherever thumb or toe impression of the old/sick pensioner is obtained, it should be identified by two independent witnesses known to the bank, one of whom should be a responsible bank official.
- Where the pensioner cannot even put his/her thumb/ toe impression and also would not be able to be physically present in the bank, a mark can be obtained on the cheque/withdrawal form, which should be identified by two independent witnesses, one of whom should be a responsible bank official.
Accordingly, the agency banks are requested to instruct their branches to display the instructions issued in this regard on their notice board so that sick and disabled pensioners could make full use of these facilities. Banks are also advised to sensitise staff members in the matter and to refer to the FAQs on pension disbursement hosted on our website www.rbi.org.in in case of any doubt.
Ref: https://rbi.org.in/Scripts/BS_ViewMasCirculardetails.aspx?id=11020
My mother Smt. Abha Banerjee ( w/o of let Ranajit Chandra Banerjee)now 88 years old, she cannot walk. Presently seriously ill. Since last 3/4 months under going treatment at different hospitals ICU.2 days prior to Lock Down period she has been transferred to KPT Hospital, Haldia at ICU by my brother in law Dr. Prabir Bhattacharjee who is the Superintendent of this Hospital. Since then she is there under treatment. Presently has been shifted from Hospital to his residence and under going different types of treatment. Since last 3/4 months she’s not capable to sign on cheque. Accordingly I met the Bank Manager and others of Central Bank of India, GhuGhuDanga,Kolkata, 14,Dum Dum Road, Kolkata, Dist 24 Parganas,700030.,Tele 35568488,MICR Code 700016019,IFSC Code CBIN0281182.Account No.1140615462,requested them to pay her pension but they didn’t entertain. At that time she was at her residence, 140/4,M.C. Garden Road, Kolkata 700030. It’s approximately a10 CAD/121C/CBI/712,name walking distance from the Bank. Since then it’s not being possible to draw her pension. Since last 7/8 years me Jibananda Banerjee her elder son withdrawing her pension from this Bank. My request for issuing a ATM card and a new cheque
book has also been rejected by the Bank Authorities. The P.P.O. No. PA/ CAD/121C/CBI/712,name of the pensioner is Abha Banerjee. My Mob.No. 9433602734.