Workshop : Find the Missing Pieces of the Autism Puzzle

Workshop : Find the Missing Pieces of the Autism Puzzle

SAI organizing a workshop to help professionals and parents of children with autism ‘Find the missing pieces of the autism puzzle’. The speakers for the event are Dr. Rachelle Sheely and Dr. Steven Gutstein (the founders of RDI), Mrs. Kamini Lakhani (the founder of SAI Connections) and other renowned parents and professionals in the field.

workshop to help professionals and parents of children with autism 'Find the missing pieces of the autism puzzle'

It is important for parents and professionals to understand the factors that impede the core of the development of an affected child. Only when they get to the bottom of it and address specific issues which otherwise are ignored will affected children be empowered to navigate through this world successfully – in academics, relationships, marriage, jobs and life.

This workshop, which will be held in Mumbai (5th -6th December), Bangalore(9th-10th December) and Delhi (12th-13th December) will enable parents and professionals to:

  1. Interact with international consultants who have spent above 20 years each in the field of autism
  2. Get up-to-date with the latest and most effective techniques from around the world, which will facilitate more improvement in the fields of neurological disabilities
  3. Get answers on pressing questions related to their specific needs and challenges
  4. Understand affected children better, which, in turn, will help the children understand them.

Many myths about autism spectrum disorder which have been harbored for decades will be busted in this workshop. The workshop will not only benefit parents of children who attend your school but also help your professionals and educators to become more effective and touch more families which need them.

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