Would you Date a Woman with a Disability?
Kalki Koechlin recently played ‘Laila’ in the film ‘Margarita with a Straw’. Laila is a young middle-class Indian girl with Cerebral Palsy, but this is a story that shows you never before insights into the identity and sexuality of a girl living with a disability. And there are so many such Lailas amongst us in India. Take Deepa Narasimhan, for example. She has a condition called Spinal Muscular Atrophy which has left her with severely restricted mobility. Yet, with the aid of computers and her motorised wheelchair Deepa is a successful working professional who travels the world. Yes, amazing!
So, how about if I showed you Deepa’s life? What if I got Kalki talking about playing the role of a girl with Cerebral Palsy and living in a wheel chair for a few days? What if these two young women – the same age – asked each other questions? What if I changed the way you look at people with disabilities? What if I shared with you whether today’s youth are willing to date people with disabilities? Yes, I do all of this and more in the first episode of The Lakshmi Rebecca Show.
This is a never-before candid conversation between an abled star and a differently abled heroine. Watch it and it will either inspire you or hit you like a bolt. And when you are done watching this, leave a comment and tell me what you thought of it, tell me what else you would have liked to hear and share it for a reason that you believe in.
– Lakshmi Rebecca
I am a Vlogger and a Filmmaker. Someday I’d like to be an author too. I believe in the good things that India has and needs.Today, I dream about making the best films I ever will and about travelling the work tasting cultures and watching sunsets.
Website : http://www.lakshmirebecca.com/