e-learning Accessibility

Making the e-learning content accessible for all. Our e-learning accessibility service designed for all and it's fits the needs of all individuals with different abilities, albeit with assistive technologies.

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e-Learning Accessibility Services

Why enabled.in?

We are committed to involving people with disabilities in the accessibility testing process. As a result, we can offer future-proof Digital Accessibility Solutions to Online Education Software, Education Institutions, Business Training, Professional Training Vendor, Government and Publishers.

e-Learning accessibility testing / Audit service

  • Provides a comprehensive report detailing all WCAG 2.1 Level A and AA violations.
  • Includes accessibility and usability recommendations and tool specific suggested solutions for remediation.
  • PDF / Word / epub Accessibility testing Report
  • Video Accessbility testing report
  • Audio accessbility testing report
  • Expert in End User accessibility testing report
  • ScreenReader Testing Report


  • In-depth course-by-course report.
  • Specific recommendations with priority.
  • A11y report - Daily / weekly
  • VPAT® evaluation report

We ensure a11y e-Learning

  • Cost-effective accessibility solution for organisations
  • Ensure a better learning experience – for all users
  • Make sure all students can easily access your full online course.
  • Ensure that a logical heading structure is used.
  • Ensure that images have an alternative description that can convey the full meaning of the image.
  • Ensure that tables are used for tabular data only
  • Ensure the present e-learning content in multiple ways.
  • Ensure Organize, Structure, And Make Content Clear
  • Ensure Make Content And Navigation Consistent
  • Ensure that your e-learning PDF documents are properly tagged for accessibility

a11y Standards

  • WCAG 2.1 AA
  • USA ADA 508 & Canada
  • Europe Accessibility Standards
  • Asia-oceania Standards

a11y Testing Framework

We deliver what we promise. We guarantee what we deliver.

e-learning Accessibility Service Testing framework
  1. Step 1: Discover : Understand the learner, assess their needs
  2. Step 2: Define : Gain insight and define the specific problem
  3. Step 3: Accessibility Testing : Web content testing, document Testing, Media format testing, epub testing and Assistive Device testing
  4. Step 4: Real-Time Testing : Testing with users with disabilities like visually impaired, locomotor
  5. Step 5: Statement of work : Detailed report, recommendations, solutions for remediation
  6. Step 1: Final Evaluation : VPAT evaluation report

What Our Clients Say


Aviation Accessibility – Teaching a lot of new things to meet the requirements in an easy way

The overall satisfaction is good and I would vouch you for any client without any doubt. The way you taught our team to fix the gaps are a notable experience that I haven’t seen with any vendors. Thanks for your patience. Thanks for teaching a lot of new things to meet the requirements in an easy way.


Get e-Learning Accessibility expert insights from our latest Case studies, Checklist, Whitepapers, and more.

elearning accessibility checklist 508 WCAG

e-Learning Accessibility Checklist


This Accessibility e-Learining checklist is a practical resource guide for experienced accessibility professionals and for those newer to the industry.

e-learning accessibility casestudies ADA 508 WCAG

e-Learning Accessibility Case Study


Our combined expertise has enabled the creation of accessible e-Learning which ensures equity of learning experience for Student with Disabilities.

Connect with an e-Learning Accessibility Expert today

We're here to assist you. You can ask us anything, whether it's about how to get started on your digital accessibility journey or if you'd want a free compliance scan of your site.