Color Contrast Check
The Color Contrast Check helps you determine whether the fonts and background colours you have chosen for your eCommerce website are accessible for everybody, not just for people with limited vision and colour impairments.

UX and Color Contrast
Evaluating color contrast in design is a crucial aspect of accessibility testing, and organizations can benefit from proper training and UX expertise to ensure appropriate contrast. Examine the application that you wish to test and identify any instances of significant text that might present poor background-to-foreground color contrast
To make the best use of colors, consider color contrasts between text and background, as well as whether colors are used for presenting information and the placement of links.
Which areas to check for color contrast on an e-commerce website?

- Menu link and Background Contrast
- Search Box – Label text, placeholder text, search box border and search Icon (all interactive elements)
- Cart Item ( clear view of cart item)
- Logo and Company Name
- Banner or Offer images should be clear and visible text.
- Product Archeive Page,
- Product Single Page
- Product Images
- Product Guide (PDF, Images)
- Price Variation Sections
- Releated / Suggested Product
- Cart, Payment, Product Confimation
- Registration, Sign In, Whistlist, Profile, Orders, Returns
- Rating, Feedback, Customer care and etc,.
- Delivery Date, Delivery Time, Stock details
- Offers, Subscribtions details.
Why eCommerce Store should give importance to Color Contrast Checker?
- Do you know your eCommerce site is not tailored for 30% of the population, or you have not designed the site for them, or that you believe 30% is your target audience.?
- Over the age of 40, most everyone will find that they need reading glasses or bifocals to clearly see small objects or text, a condition caused by the natural aging process, called presbyopia.
Multiply that figure by the number of consumers or potential customers that visit your website or use your application. By way of illustration, 200,000 of the 2 million online users would profit.
How helps your eCommerce Store Accessibility
If you are interested in having a eCommerce website comply with accessibility and compliance requirements, we can help. If you have a larger site and enough internal development resources, we can audit, test, and certify your existing Shopify website to comply with the ADA 508 and WCAG 2.1 AA Accessibility Standards.
We strive to include Individuals with Disabilities in the accessibility testing process. As a result, we are able to deliver future-proof eCommerce accessibility solutions.